2 niner niner 2

2 niner niner 2 back to the way it was

Over the past year or so, 2ninerniner2.com has gone through a few changes in purpose and direction.
Having gotten the other sites in order, it is time to get 2992 back to where it belongs: a general purpose blog that postulates about things e-Learning, WordPress, Joomla!, websites in general and, of course, aviation.
Are you ready?
I certainly hope so, because there shall be a plethora of posts pertaining to the subjects presented.
Now how is that for alliteration at this time of the day?

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  1. So what … no more free templates for Joomla! and WordPress?
    Man, I really liked those first ones. Have them all.

    1. Sorry James, I am no longer doing the Artisteer templates and themes for Joomla! and WordPress. I switched over a while ago to WordPress-only and now am using Genesis + Dynamik Website Builder exclusively. Perhaps you should take a look at this combination if you are at all serious about website design. It really is a combination that is hard to beat and well worth the modest price, IMHO.

  2. Hi, 2ninerniner2,

    Merry Christmas! The recent update of Dynamik has taken responsive to a new level. Sidebars and menus can have delays before dropping to full responsive, and the responsive menus have a few types to select from. Check the video on Dynamik to see what’s new – for me 2014 is looking even more promising.

    1. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too, Abland! Yes, the responsive items in Dynamik are very nice indeed. Can’t wait to see what Eric and crew have in store for 2014.

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