About 2 Niner Niner 2

Aviation since 1970

2 niner niner 2

A few of you may recognize me, or more specifically my user name, from the WordPress, Dynamik, eFront, Joomla!, Artisteer and Template Toaster forums.

I was a rather late-comer to the CMS arena with WordPress and Joomla! in particular. But my experience in matters of the web goes way back to it’s inception, cutting my teeth, as it were, on (dare I say it here) Microsoft FrontPage. As the ubiquitous ad goes, you’ve come a long way!

Although I have a U.S. Patent on a software process, and was at one time quite proficient with Borland Delphi, I am by no means a programmer; more of a constructor, facilitator, implementer, “know how to use it” sort of person.

Some may be wondering on my choice of name, 2ninerniner2, not only here, but on the eFront Forum, Joomla! Forum and numerous other spots on-line. This has it’s roots based in the fact that I have been directly involved with aviation since 08 August 1970 when I went for my first flying lesson.

Over 42 years later, after having obtained a Commercial Multi-engine Instrument Rating, an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence –  M1 & M2-  and having retired from Time Air / Canadian Regional Airlines / Air Canada as a Senior Aircraft Structures Inspector, I now fulfill my days implementing and supporting TalentLMS, eFront and WordPress installations for my clients. Have a look on the Wiki for what is 2 niner niner 2 and why it is “niner”.

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